bookkeeper writing down on paper while using calculator


Who We Serve

Small Businesses

We provide bookkeeping services for Small Businesses including Sole Proprietors, Partnerships, LLC, Private Companies, Stores, etc.


We also provide bookkeeping services for Self-Employed People who are Independent Contractors, the partners of Partnerships, LLC, S Corporation, and Store Owners who file schedule C on their income tax return.


Individuals who has properties or investment incomes can be our clients as well. (They are those who file schedule E on their income tax return.)


photo of laptop beside white mug

Bookkeeping for Small Business

  • Recording incomes and expenses/spending for each month on clients’ spreadsheets, or
  • Matching transactions between Quickbook online and online banking, or
  • Adding transactions to Quickbooks
  • Providing bank/credit card reconciliation for each month
  • Providing monthly financial reports for each month
  • Providing other reports if clients request

Bookkeeping for Self-Employed People

Services include:

unrecognizable worker typing on laptop at table with flowers
crop anonymous person calculating profit on smartphone calculator near banknotes

Bookkeeping for Individuals

Services include:


Add-On Services

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